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Showing posts from May, 2021


  LET'S TAKE SOCIAL MEDIA TO A BETTER LEVEL  READ TO THE END A Telegram group named "University Of Cape Coast ..." has been suspended by TELEGRAM . The group is  said to be made up of UCC students. This group had over 100 members. We think the main motive behind the creation of that group was to help one another as students and also to socialize BUT.... LET'S TAKE SOCIAL MEDIA TO A BETTER LEVEL   The said group has been locked by TELEGRAM because they found out that the group was used to spread pornographic content. The actual pornographic content is not known yet.  From investigations, some members of the group reported the group of such act and actions were taken. And we realized that telegram will take necessary action on an account only when their team of moderators inspect and confirm that the report of an act was real. From this analysis, it is true the group was spammed with pornographic content. And the good members of the group reported.IT IS EXPECTED O...


  KNUST SANITARY BANK PROJECT  A FRANK OWUSU STATEMENT Growing up from a family full of females, I came to appreciate and understand women for their unique challenges they go through.  I could recall one time when my cousin related to me her most embarrassing moment. She has gone to class and her menses had come unexpectedly. How was she going to go home when she had soiled herself? * Her dilemma. On one of my campaign trails, also, a lady at  Africa Hall  recounted how a similar thing happened to her and how she almost 'disgraced' herself  because she forgot to carry her sanitary pad in her beg when she was going to class. Further enquiries would suggest that several ladies sometimes find themselves in this situation. I wanted to help, and I found my answer in a project my friend, Anastasia Ansah has started in her college .    Her sanitary bank project ensures sanitary pads are kept in the various washrooms for emergencies; a project I plan on e...


  DEAR  MOMO AGENTS & USERS, PLEASE PAY KEY ATTENTION TO THIS COMMUNIQUE.  Agents are not supposed to write down the details of any customer's ID when initiating a Cash Out transaction. Please do not allow any mobile money agent or merchant to pen down your ID details being it Voters ID, NHIS, Passport, Driver's license or any other. It is an offence for an agent to do that.It is not expected of any agent or merchant to do so. Please take note.  On the 18th of May, 2021, messages from the Company were circulated to various agents. The message read as "Y'ELLO VALUED MOMO AGENT, DO NOT RECORD OR WRITE DOWN ID DETAILS OF CUSTOMERS WHEN THEY COME FOR CASH OUT. YOU ARE ONLY REQUIRED TO ENTER ON THE PHONE DURING THE CASH OUT PROCESS. OFFENDERS WILL SANCTIONED. THANK YOU. " #MTN #Mobilemoney #Everywhereyougo #CASHOUT


 HISTORY OF NATIONAL BROTHER'S DAY “Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.”– Marc Brown, author and illustrator of children’s books. The word ‘brother’ stems from the Latin root ‘frater’ and the Proto-Germanic word ‘brothar,’ which itself comes from the Proto-Indo-European root ‘bhrater.’ Regardless of origin, both in words and in blood, our brothers have our backs over and over again. They’re our closest friends and, sometimes, the most annoying people we know. But we love them anyway. Even some of the most famous people in history had brothers to lean on and be annoyed by. Brother’s Day has been celebrated on May 24 since the year 2005. Although the exact details of the holiday are unknown, it was Alabama-based C. Daniel Rhodes who had first organized the holiday and its proceedings. In some regions, National Brother’s Day is an unofficial holiday. It is not to be confused with National Siblings Day, which takes place in April. You are lucky if you are...