LET'S TAKE SOCIAL MEDIA TO A BETTER LEVEL READ TO THE END A Telegram group named "University Of Cape Coast ..." has been suspended by TELEGRAM . The group is said to be made up of UCC students. This group had over 100 members. We think the main motive behind the creation of that group was to help one another as students and also to socialize BUT.... LET'S TAKE SOCIAL MEDIA TO A BETTER LEVEL The said group has been locked by TELEGRAM because they found out that the group was used to spread pornographic content. The actual pornographic content is not known yet. From investigations, some members of the group reported the group of such act and actions were taken. And we realized that telegram will take necessary action on an account only when their team of moderators inspect and confirm that the report of an act was real. From this analysis, it is true the group was spammed with pornographic content. And the good members of the group reported.IT IS EXPECTED O...