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Showing posts from July, 2022


ENDORSEMENT OF MR. FIIFI OBENG BEDIAKO AS COHSS PRESIDENT  Greetings to all members of the big family, both far and near.It's of great joy and sincerer gratitude to be able to reach you. Master Fiifi Obeng Bediako, did enormously well in voicing out Opoku Ware Students' needs as the SRC Vice President of 2019/20 academic year. It is worthy to note Mater Fiifi Obeng Bediako contributed a lot to the ASRC during his time as the Regional President and also played a tremendous whiles he served as the Opoku Ware School Debater's Club President. He selflessly serves the fraternity and has contributed to our growth on campus. As an association, we are proud of his efforts. Less cannot be said about Master Fiifi Obeng Bediako. With one blood flowing through us (AKATASLOPSA), we are one, irrespective of our individual differences and therefore Akataslopsa-KNUST entreat all members to entrust the COHSS in the hands of Master Fiifi Obeng Bediako coming Monday, July 25th as they are pr...

Veronica Aboagye, COHSS WOCOM HOPEFUL 22 on the ladies' policies

VERONICA ABOAGYE, COHSS WOCOM HOPEFUL UNVEILS THE COHSS LADIES' POLICIES In the past few days, VERONICA ABOAGYE  has revealed her intentions , all that she has in mind and heart for the good women/ ladies of CoHSS which is dubbed "THE LADIES' POLICIES" Veronica Aboagye, the leading Women's Commissioner in this year's CoHSS race (COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES) is a second year student who reads Political Studies with Economics as her minor. Veronica was a resident of the Unity hall in her first year stay on campus. Although Veronica Aboagye was the last of the four aspirants to pick up nomination forms, she is now the leading candidate in the race. Veronica as known in the college as a very hardworking young lady who seeks to REDEFINE THE SHE CONCEPT when voted into power as the Women's Commissioner of COHSS.

Ohenaku Kelvin petitions the UNITY HALL TUTOR for more chairs in their study room

PETITION FOR THE PROVISION OF MORE CHAIRS IN THE STUDY ROOM AND LIGHT BULBS IN THE BALCONIES Ohenaku Kelvin, the leading Unity Hall presidential aspirant in a letter directed to the UNITY HALL TUTOR, petitions him for the provision of more chairs in the Unity Hall study room and light bulbs in their various balconies. I am Obenaku Kelvin, a proud continental, a faithful servant of this great hall and an aspirant for Unity Hall President. I am writing as a concerned affiliate of the unity hall and an aspirant for its Presidency petitioning your high offices for immediate action in addressing the challenges facing residents of the hall. My two-year stay on campus serving the hall has opened my eyes to certain challenges the average hall resident faces each day. In all my years as a leader, it always has been a call to duty for me when others are burdened with problems I believe I can at least contribute to solving. Our beloved hall has nearly two thousand residents yet the facilities to ...

Owusu Bernard officially declares his intentions to run for GESS PRESIDENT

  DECLARATION OF INTENT- OWUSU BERNARD Owusu Bernard, a second year Geological Engineering student officially declares his intention to run GESS PRESIDENT 2022 in a written piece directed to the Geological Engineering Students' Society. Bernard seeks a greater impact agenda.  I am OWUSU BERNARD, a second-year Geological engineering student. I formally declare my intent to run for President of the Geological Engineering Students' Society [GESS] 2022. I took my leadership inspiration from John Quincy Adams, who said "if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader" Leadership, in my opinion, begins with oneself and has a rippling influence on others around him or her. I've always pushed myself to learn, inspire, motivate, and dream big in order to influence my peers and the individuals I interact with. I resolved to push myself to the utmost in order to attain my goals I am a firm believer in change and development...