ENDORSEMENT OF MR. FIIFI OBENG BEDIAKO AS COHSS PRESIDENT Greetings to all members of the big family, both far and near.It's of great joy and sincerer gratitude to be able to reach you. Master Fiifi Obeng Bediako, did enormously well in voicing out Opoku Ware Students' needs as the SRC Vice President of 2019/20 academic year. It is worthy to note Mater Fiifi Obeng Bediako contributed a lot to the ASRC during his time as the Regional President and also played a tremendous whiles he served as the Opoku Ware School Debater's Club President. He selflessly serves the fraternity and has contributed to our growth on campus. As an association, we are proud of his efforts. Less cannot be said about Master Fiifi Obeng Bediako. With one blood flowing through us (AKATASLOPSA), we are one, irrespective of our individual differences and therefore Akataslopsa-KNUST entreat all members to entrust the COHSS in the hands of Master Fiifi Obeng Bediako coming Monday, July 25th as they are pr...